bZ4X Software Tweaks and Owner’s Manual Question

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North Carolina
Hi everyone, after driving my Tesla Model S for the past seven years, I’ve recently started using a bZ4X, and there are a few software quirks that I’d love to see improved.

Regeneration Boost & Brake Hold Settings – These turn off automatically! Brake Hold seems to disable whenever you shift into Park, and Regeneration Boost resets after powering off the car. It’d be awesome if these could stay on by default or at least have an option in the settings to make them persistent. I use these features all the time, and having to re-enable them constantly is a bit frustrating.

Creep Feature – Is there a way to turn this off? It feels unnecessary for an EV, and Tesla has a setting for this. If Toyota included it as a toggle in the settings, that would be a great improvement.

Lastly, I noticed something curious in the Owner’s Manual. It includes warnings about carbon monoxide buildup in scenarios like parking in deep snow. How would that even apply to an EV? Is this just some copy-paste carryover from a gasoline model manual?

Would love to hear if anyone else has similar wishes for the software or has figured out a workaround for these settings. And what’s up with that carbon monoxide mention?
I agree, it’d be great if those settings stayed persistent. As for the creep feature, I haven’t seen a way to turn it off, but that manual warning does seem like an outdated copy-paste!
Carbon monoxide? It seems there are some gaps in the manual when it comes to EVs. Looks like you've found another one. Appreciate you sharing!