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  1. sherwin143!

    Tracking My Future bZ4X on the Toyota App

    @Mona1Mai Did you use Hire purchase on this order?
  2. A

    Seat cover struggle is real

    Ugh sounds like a real pain! You might wanna look into seat covers that are airbag-friendly. Some of them have cutouts or special stitching so the airbags can still do their thing. Definitely double check the safety info before committing!
  3. C

    Can I swap my bZ4X's chinese head unit for a western one?

    I’ve tried everything to change the language, but no luck yet. I’m leaning toward swapping the unit or software.
  4. J

    USB-C charging problem with samsung phones

    Make sure both your phone and car’s infotainment system are up to date with the latest software. These updates usually pack in bug fixes and improvements that could help solve any charging issues you might be dealing with.
  5. R

    Toyota EV reliability

    Toyota still makes reliable cars, but quality alone isn’t enough if they’re not competitive. That’s part of why the BZ4X isn’t selling, they need to keep up with the market.
  6. S

    Happy bZ4X owner!

    Glad you're digging the bZ4X! It's awesome that the update improved the efficiency. Hopefully Toyota comes out with a smaller EV soon. Enjoy the ride and stay safe out there

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