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  1. sherwin143!

    From a Ranger to a bZ4X

    Hello and welcome to the forum! What kind of Level 2 charger are you installing? Congratulations getting your BZ! In addition to the BZ4X, were you considering any other EVs?
  2. E

    A new key has been detected, please call the dealer

    You got that message because the Toyota digital key system was going through updates. Nothing wrong with the car. Mine disappeared after about a week.
  3. sherwin143!

    Missing features on the North American BZ4X

    The lack of features on the North American bZ4X is incredibly annoying to me. Why did Toyota leave off the transparent defrost windshield, V2L, and solar roof? The solar roof and V2L in particular would have been very helpful. Another significant mistake is the lowest models' lack of wireless...

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